Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Samsung GALAXY Tab 2 Review

Samsung GALAXY Tab 2 Review 7,5/10

So for the first time ever I am going to post a review about a tech gadget (and for disclaimer purposes I have to specify that the mentioned item does not belong to me but is in fact the property of my girlfriend, or so to speak). So I'll start by giving some technical details and (hopefully) won't go too much into detail.

The screen packs the visually so gratifying 1024x600 resolution which packs a real punch when you're watching movies. It has two cameras one in the front and one in the back. Really good when you're trying to take self pics without looking like a twat that has to go to the bathroom mirror.

 The video is pretty solid, but I'd doubt you'd see people filming series like they filmed an episode of house with that Nikon camera. Right, as far as space is concerned it packs a 16GB hard drive which to me seems an okay amount as I won't go loading lots of things on it but I'd primarily use it to store pictures, movies (when you're on the go), a couple of songs, documents and my favourite .... *drum roll* COMIC BOOOKS (or as schmucks like me like to call them, graphic novels). I mean o my god I've been waiting for so long to finally be able to read comics like a decent human being. Don't get me wrong using the PC is perfectly fine but with this I can lie down in bed before going to bed and just enjoy them to the fullest extent. As any perfectly normal human being the first thing when I got it was to go to the Google play store and download some apps. In this day and age mankind cannot possibly survive without them. I downloaded dropbox, tumblr, blogger, flip pad, comic reader and a few other not so interesting ones. Oh and angry birds ofc.

Another neat thing that I have to mention is that it came with the 3G packet meaning that I can load stuff to my hearts content wherever I am. Alas this nifty toy will be at my disposal for but a brief 3 months or possibly longer if luck is on my side. If not then I shall try to make an arrangement so I can purchase it with a sweeter deal. Needless to say, it came with a charger and headphones and sadly without a case, which are surprisingly expensive if I compare it with the price of the tab.

Feeling particularly peachy I decided to take it with me to some lectures to make notes with it and be an exceptionally smug git but I couldn't type on the darn thing at an appropriate pace to keep up with the teacher so I ended up using the old school method with paper and pen. A truly embarrassing moment for me.

I noticed that the tab also has a call feature but haven't tried it so far. It looks however something like this (btw this is not me in the pic)

I feel the need to justify my rating with product a bit more so here's the deal: The Samsung GALAXY Tab 2 is a perfectly awesome toy but if I had to rate it upon its usefulness for me it would still only come as far as being a really entertaining yet a tad expensive toy. Hope you don't have me now Samsung. I still use other products you make and like them a lot!

Best wishes,

A Guy's Mind

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Django Unchained Review

Django Unchained Review 9,0/10

Ok, so here we have the latest of Quentin Tarantions productions. For those of you who didn't know there are actually several older movies with the title Django and one of the actors that formerly played Django has a cameo. If you're wondering who I'm talking about it's the guy who asks Django for his name and upon being told that the D is silent says he knows.

The story starts with our protagonist walking in chains to a life of cotton-picking with him being black in times of American slave trade and everything. But wait! His fortune changes with the arrival of Dr. King Schulz (Christoph Waltz) who goes and tries to purchase our poor hero but sort of ends up shooting the damn hillbilly lot.

As it turns out Dr. Schulz is a bounty hunter travelling cross-country collecting bounties of various scoundrels. The reason he decides to free Django (Jamie Foxx) is because he is  the last person to see the Brittle brothers who happen to have a bounty on their head.

And so Django is given the opportunity to take revenge upon the brothers who are responsible for Django's separation with his wife. Upon settling their score Django continues to pursue the life of a bounty hunter. But lets lay off the story here since I wouldn't wanna give away too much of the plot.

Needless to say that the cast for this movie has been perfectly picked. We have Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington and Samuel L. Jackson. Hell even Jonah Hill appeared in a side-role. Oh and Tarantino did the thing that he always does and insisted in appearing in his own movie #rollseyes but I gotta hand it to him that he did a good job. But if I would have to pick a favorite actor in this movie I would have to go with Christoph Waltz. Duuhh, he did get an Oscar for best supporting role.

But that doesn't mean that everyone else sucked. Jamie Foxx really nailed the role of Django, he had that dangerous yet cool vibe going on. Leonardo DiCaprio you are a poor sod. After so many years yet no Oscar in your hands. Shame on you Academy Awards! But going back to Christoph Waltz and why I liked him so much. Christoph has this unique ability to play the good and the bad guy equally awesome. We've all seen him (at least I hope so) in Inglorious Basterds in the role of an evil Nazi officer and here we have him as a justice (and probably money) seeking bounty hunter.

One of his best qualities is, in my humble opinion, to act as courteous and polite as one can and then un- or excpectedly gun them motherfuckers down without as much as working up a sweat. Since this is a Tarantino production there is of course a lot of blood splattering around, violence and an occasional explosion.

So to wrap this review up I'll just go and justify the 9 instead of a 10. The cast and acting were amazing, the plot was beautifully tied together but the only thing that bothered me was that the whole movie was fucking 3 hours long. I mean sure, things need time to unfold in a stylish manner so the desired setting and atmosphere can achieved but damn, 3 hours. The Lord of the fucking Rings was 3 hours long but I think that's a bit more justified. Other than that there isn't a thing I could fuss over.

Yours truly,

 A Guy's Mind

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Breaking Bad Season 1 - 4 Review

Breaking Bad Season 1 - 4 Review

Hey everyone it's A Guy's Mind reporting for duty. I'm so
sorry for not posting anything for such a long time but I was really tied up with homework and seminar papers. But nonetheless I took some time to watch four out of five seasons of Breaking Bad. A friend recommended me the series and I finally decided to watch it and then review it. Breaking Bad features Walter White, a highschool chemistry teacher who finds out he has lung cancer.

 Working two jobs and providing for his family are his priorities and his main concerns as he is worried with leaving the family with not enough money. Being an expert on crystallography (not so sure about the word choice here) he decides to start cooking crystal meth. The problem is he doesn't know how to go about it and therefore goes to a fomer student of his, Jesse Pinkman, to learn the works. Oh, yea, he first saw Jesse while escaping from a DEA raid and was rather caught in the act of, khm, having sex with what I guess is someone's mom.

Their epic tale of cooking, perfecting and selling crystal meth begins, full of plot twists, murders, bribery and odd coincidences. Needless to say, there is also the occasional sex scene but I personally wouldn't mind one or two more.

Both our charachters develop in such a way thought hardly possible. Walter stops being such a pushover and embraces "the man within himself" and Jesse stops being such a "fuck-up". They develop this awesome relationship that really goes through thick and thin. The series despite it's seriousness does not lack the occasional funny scene. I think I'm not spoiling anything if I mention that there is an old guy on a wheelchair in the series that only communicates with a bell, drools all the time and makes faces as if his mouth was full of bees. The series can sometimes sad as well and I'm quite sure that a lot of things were inspired by real events. I was really horrified of the consequences that crystal meth leaves on people. It transforms them almost into Walking Dead (READ MY OTHER REVIEW). Not to mention that the distribution of drugs often involves children who are tied up with gangs from the moment they are born.

Needless to say, Breaking Bad is a really awesome series and I do not regret watching it one bit. I really look forward to watch the ongoing season and hope they wrap it up soon, since it's really hard for me to watch an ongoing series.

A Guy's Mind

Friday, February 8, 2013

The Walking Dead Season 1 review

The Walking Dead Season 1

Ok, so here we have The Walking Dead, a series set in a post apocalyptic zombie world. The story starts out with our protagonist, Rick Grimes, waking up out of a coma in a hospital. From there out he tries to reconnect with his family. He stumbles on a group of survivors who update him on the current situation. We find out that while Ricky boy was in a coma the world just turned zombie. We don't find out why and how that came into being but it seems we'll find everything out on the go. So, Rick goes to Atlanta where he almost ends up as zombie snack were it not for a group of scavengers that get him out of a tight situation. Rick manages to rejoin his family and take a breather. What Rick doesn't know is that his wife was together with his best friend Shane up until he showed up.
The group ends up having some shut eye and things finally start to look good when ... OMG they're in our camp?!?!?! Yep, a group of walkers attacks them and a few characters who never got a chance to shine end up dead. The group then decides their camp isn't safe and head out to the CDC (something with disease in it) in Atlanta in hopes of finding answers to the whole zombie thing. They find the place deserted, except for a single researcher who gave up hope. I won't say how the season ends but lets just say it ends with a bang, he he he. 

Now lets look at the characters. I really liked Rick and not just because he seems to be the main character but because he takes risks to save as many people as possible which in my humble opinion seems quite a good idea since oh, you know, the world is full of the dead and you don't have all that many opportunities to meet people. And in contrast with Rick we have his best friend Shane, the sort of anti-hero douchebag who undermines everything. He tries to play it safe but kinda seems to be going insane in the process. I really didn't care much for Carl (Rick's son) and Lori (his wife) since they just kinda seem to be there as a plot device to develop in future seasons. But I really liked Glenn, an Asian pizza delivery guy that reminds me of that "doctor Jones" kid from Indiana Jones. He's a good guy and tries to do good by everyone but tends to be used as zombie bait.

The cast aside, the story really barks up my tree. The post-apocalyptic setting sets that sort of depressing mood you'd expect when everything goes to shit and the stories of the members kind of add the rotting cherry on the top of a huge pile of corpses. The zombies are all well tastefully (I couldn't find a more appropriate word for it) done and the gore is ever so graphic. This coming from a person who usually doesn't enjoy the fleshy scenes means a lot. I can't say how the series is in comparison with the graphic novel ( I know I sound like a pretentious twat for not calling it a comic but why the hell not) but I do intend to read it and then write about it. I really enjoyed/am enjoying the experience it's offering me and am very eager to watch the other seasons. Don't hesitate to comment me on your own opinion of the series. Peace out.

A Guy's Mind


Hi, welcome to my blog. A Guy's Mind is going to be a lifestyle blog that will focus on my interests. The reason I started writing this blog is because I want to improve my writing skills. My posts/reviews will mainly focus on TV Series, Movies, Games, Books and Food. Hopefully I will find some time to also post about my other interets like Snowboarding, Surfing, Architecture or Drawing. I do not claim to be an expert on any of these topics so feel free to correct me or state your opinion but please try to be polite. I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog.

A Guy's Mind