Breaking Bad Season 1 - 4 Review

sorry for not posting anything for such a long time but I was really tied up with homework and seminar papers. But nonetheless I took some time to watch four out of five seasons of Breaking Bad. A friend recommended me the series and I finally decided to watch it and then review it. Breaking Bad features Walter White, a highschool chemistry teacher who finds out he has lung cancer.
Working two jobs and providing for his family are his priorities and his main concerns as he is worried with leaving the family with not enough money. Being an expert on crystallography (not so sure about the word choice here) he decides to start cooking crystal meth. The problem is he doesn't know how to go about it and therefore goes to a fomer student of his, Jesse Pinkman, to learn the works. Oh, yea, he first saw Jesse while escaping from a DEA raid and was rather caught in the act of, khm, having sex with what I guess is someone's mom.
Their epic tale of cooking, perfecting and selling crystal meth begins, full of plot twists, murders, bribery and odd coincidences. Needless to say, there is also the occasional sex scene but I personally wouldn't mind one or two more.
Both our charachters develop in such a way thought hardly possible. Walter stops being such a pushover and embraces "the man within himself" and Jesse stops being such a "fuck-up". They develop this awesome relationship that really goes through thick and thin. The series despite it's seriousness does not lack the occasional funny scene. I think I'm not spoiling anything if I mention that there is an old guy on a wheelchair in the series that only communicates with a bell, drools all the time and makes faces as if his mouth was full of bees. The series can sometimes sad as well and I'm quite sure that a lot of things were inspired by real events. I was really horrified of the consequences that crystal meth leaves on people. It transforms them almost into Walking Dead (READ MY OTHER REVIEW). Not to mention that the distribution of drugs often involves children who are tied up with gangs from the moment they are born.
Needless to say, Breaking Bad is a really awesome series and I do not regret watching it one bit. I really look forward to watch the ongoing season and hope they wrap it up soon, since it's really hard for me to watch an ongoing series.
A Guy's Mind
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